Sunday, October 13, 2024

November 10, 2024 Comicon

Sunday, November 10th is our last show for the year. Here's the list of guests:

Douglas Wheatley (Game of Thrones: Fire and Blood, Star Wars, Avatar)
Dave McCaig (The Walking Dead Deluxe, Invincible, The Sacrificers, Low, The Avengers, Superman, Batman/Spawn)
Riley McCaig (Art Kid)
John Ward (Acausal, Scratcher)
Soaring Penguin Press

As usual, the show runs from 11AM to 5PM at Heritage Hall, 3102 Main St.

Admission is $5 per person at the door, and kids under 14 get in free.

Dealer tables are $70 for a wall space and $60 for a centre space.

Hourly door prizes and free comics for kids!

For more information, or to book space, either email, or call 604-322-6412.

Follow us on Twitter at:

Saturday, August 10, 2024

September 8 Comic Con

The next Vancouver Comic Con takes place on Sunday, September 8, 2024, from 11AM-5PM, at Heritage Hall (3102 Main Street)
Special Guests at the show:
--Marco Rudy (RDW – A Tale of Lost Fantasy, Swamp Thing, Marvel Knights: Spiderman)
--Steven Scott (They Called Us Enemy, The Magic History Book)
--Cole Pauls (Kwändǖr, Dakwäkãda Warriors)
--Brad Yung (Stay as You Are, Ninja Bear)
--Seraji (Fourth Dimensional)
--Ethan Woronko (Croman the Cromagnon)
Marco Rudy is taking commissions in advance. He's willing to do the work at home, for pick-up at the show.
His options/samples and rates are here: He'll only be doing 9" x 12" pieces during the show, and most likely won't be doing anything once the show ends, unless you're paying for mail order to have it sent to you.

Admission is $5 per person (at the door), and kids under 14 are free.

Dealer tables are $90 for a wall space and $80 for a centre table.

Hourly Door Prizes!
Free Comics for Kids!

For more information, call 604-322-6412 or email

Follow us on Twitter at:       



Saturday, June 8, 2024

July 7, 2024

The next Vancouver Comic Con is on Sunday, July 7, 2024, from 11AM-5PM at Heritage Hall (3102 Main Street).
Special Guests at the show are:
Stefan Tosheff (Minerva’s Map, Miramar, Romeo vs Juliet)
Dylan Moore (Combat Faeries)
Admission is $5 and kids under 14 are free.
Dealer tables are $50 for wall and $60 for centre spots.

As usual, we'll have hourly door prizes and free comics for kids.

To book space, call 604-322-6412, or email me at

Follow us on Twitter at:         



Sunday, April 21, 2024

May 12 2024 Con


The next Vancouver Comic Con will take place on May 12 at Heritage Hall (3102 Main Street). Show hours are 11AM - 5PM.

Special guests at the show:
--Mauricio Pommella (Binary Noise)
--Brad Yung (Ninja Bear, Stay As You Are)
--Michael Kluckner (Surviving Vancouver, The Rooming House, Julia, 2050)
--Sasha Schaepe (For: Ze)

Admission at the door is $5 per person, and kids under 14 get in free.
There will be hourly door prizes and free comics for all the kids.

Dealer tables are $50 for a centre space and $60 for a wall.

For more information, email or call 604-322-6412

Follow us on Twitter at:

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

March 2024 Comicon

The next Vancouver Comicon will be on Sunday, March 24th, 2024 at Heritage Hall (3102 Main St). Show hours are 11AM - 5PM. Admission is $5/adult and free for kids under 14. There will be hourly door prizes and free comics at the door for kids.

Guests at the show are Cole Pauls (
Kwändǖr, Pizza Punks, Dakwäkãda Warriors) and James Lloyd  (Futurama Comics, Simpsons Comics).

Dealer tables are available: $60 for wall space and $50 for centre spots.

To book space, either call me at 604-322-6412, or email



Friday, January 19, 2024

Graphic Novel Opportunity for Artists!


Call for Artist Applications: Immigration Detention in Canada – Law and Lived Experience


The Comics Studies Research Cluster at UBC is seeking applications from cartoonists to work on an exciting new graphic novel project. The project seeks to capture the lived experience of Canadian immigration detention through comics. The project will involve working with 2-3 individuals who arrived in Canada as refugees and were subject to immigration detention. The content of the graphic novels will then explore each individual’s story, based on interviews with the individuals and media produced in collaboration with them.

The goal of the project is to convey the day-to-day life of immigration detention – from the uncertainty and boredom to the trauma and loss. Each graphic narrative will be 20-30 pages long and will focus on different aspects of the experience as told by each individual.
Artists will receive compensation that aligns with their experience. We are committed to ensuring meaningful compensation and have the funding to offer a generous honorarium (up to $10,000 per graphic narrative) commensurate with experience.

For more information, please see the official Call for Applications on the UBC Comics Studies Cluster website:

Application materials (Letter of Interest, max 1 page; 3 examples of comic art, max 10 pages; optional Creative Statement for working with these themes) should be submitted by email by February 5th @ 5PM to Dr. Biz Nijdam, Director of the UBC Comics Studies Cluster, at



Thursday, January 18, 2024

Black Panther in Concert, Friday Feb 9

We're teaming up with Vancouver Symphony Orchestra to give away two tickets to see Black Panther on February 9th at the Orpheum! To enter the competition, just follow @vsorchestra on Instagram and tag them with your favourite Black Panther image. #blackpantherinconcert

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

January 2024 Convention and dates for the rest of the year

The next Vancouver Comicon will be on Sunday, January 14th, 2024 at Heritage Hall (3102 Main St). Show hours are 11AM - 5PM. Admission is $5/adult and free for kids under 14. There will be hourly door prizes and free comics at the door for kids.

Guests at the show will be local creators; John Ward (Acausal, Scratcher, Dark Fragments) and ARGH!! are confirmed so far.

Dealer tables are available; $60 for wall space and $50 for centre spots.

To book space, either call  604-322-6412, or email

And here's the rest of the show dates for 2024:
March 24
May 12
July 7
September 8
November 10



Tuesday, October 10, 2023

November 2023 Comicon

The next Vancouver Comicon takes place on Sunday, November 12 at Heritage Hall (3102 Main Street), from 11AM - 5PM.

Special Guests:
--Steve Skroce (Clobberin' Time, BRZRKR - Poetry of Madness, Maestros, We Stand on Guard, Wolverine)
--Ivana Filipovich (What's Fear Got to Do With It?, Where Have You Been?)
--Claire Lordon (One in a Million)
--James Lloyd (Futurama Comics)
--Randy Stone (Bullet Adventures)
--Brad Yung (Stay As You Are)

Admission to the show is $5 per person, and kids under 14 get in free.

Dealer Tables are $60 for a wall spot and $50 for a centre table.

For more information, or to book space, call 604-322-6412 or email

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

September Comicon

 The next Comicon will take place on Sunday, September 10, 11AM to 5PM, at Heritage Hall (3102 Main St).

Guests this time are:
Brad Yung (Stay as You Are, Ninja Bear)
Michael Kluckner (The Rooming House, Julia, 2050, Toshiko)
John Ward (Acausal, Dark Fragments, Scratcher)

Admission: $5; kids under 14 get in free

Dealer Tables: $60/wall; $50/centre

Free comics for kids at the door, and hourly door prizes return this show.

If you have any question or want to book a table, feel free to email me or call me at 604-322-6412. (It's summer so odds are your call will just go to answering machine, but I'll call back as soon as possible.



November 10, 2024 Comicon

Sunday, November 10th is our last show for the year. Here's the list of guests: Douglas Wheatley (Game of Thrones: Fire and Blood, Star ...